Many part-time poker players are drawn to professional poker by the glamour and potential riches. However, while some players are cut out for the professional world, the life of a poker pro is plagued with ups and downs and is certainly not for the faint-hearted. Becoming a pro takes a lot of practice, and the best way to start out in professional poker is by playing it online in popular poker rooms. Taking all this into consideration, before you take the final step, it is worth considering the points below.

1. Money money money

Though it may seem obvious, it is surprising how many poker players fail to secure a solid bankroll before they turn pro. As an amateur, you first need to establish how much you are willing to put in per game and ensure that the bankroll required is enough to ensure a good return on your investment while not leaving you destitute should you lose it. Strategic play and big bets require a solid bankroll, so do not consider going pro unless you are certain you can secure one.

2. Job opportunities

Becoming a professional poker player means that you will no longer have the luxury of a fixed salary, a stable career path or job security. If the prospect of financial uncertainty is too much to bear, you need to reassess whether pro poker is really for you. Even if this risk is one you feel you can take, it is worth establishing whether the possibility of returning to your previous job exists, should everything go wrong. It is also worth establishing if job opportunities in your area are abundant or scarce. If, for example, during times of national or international financial crisis, the job market is in dire straits, it is probably worth reconsidering your move to pro poker.

3. Past performance

One of the most important things you should consider is, again, a rather obvious question: are you good enough? You should analyze your past performance and what type of poker player are you carefully in order to establish the frequency and consistency of your wins compared to your losses. Remember that there is little use winning now and again if the money you earn will only be frittered away on many subsequent losses.


4. Pressure cooker

Playing pro poker is no walk in the park; it can be extremely depressing at times, particularly when your very livelihood may, at times, depend on a single hand. You must ask yourself if you genuinely believe you can handle the risk factor and the pressure involved in making a living from poker. Indeed, your physical and emotional wellbeing may suffer as a result of becoming a pro, so those players with doubts should probably reconsider.

Becoming a pro poker player can be an exciting, lucrative and life changing career move, but it is not for everyone. Making the leap to the pro game should be a carefully considered decision, so do not make it on a whim as your savings may pay the price in the long run.

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